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The 30-Day Ruqya Journal (Paperback)


This 30-Day Ruqya Journal is a step-by-step guide which contains knowledge from the Qur’an and Sunnah along with practical experience. This journal will help you set inspiring goals, assist in overcoming obstacles, and will give you the correct understanding of seeking the cure with the right approach and virtues of patience and repentance. Many books have been written in Arabic on the subject of Ruqya and spiritual afflictions but few have addressed the problems practically step by step using the correct measures and means of Ruqya. This journal focuses on practical solutions relating to spiritual afflictions and is the same way I implement my Ruqya diagnosis and treatment. I have given it to you in your hands now, and I believe many will benefit from this journal: the practitioner or the one who is seeking spiritual healing by the will of Allah.

This journal is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychotherapeutic advice. Readers are advised to consult with a healthcare professional for individual concerns and to check that the exercises are suitable for their particular needs. The authors and contributors exclude all liability for any loss, damage, or expense whether direct or indirect suffered by anyone relying on any information contained in this book.